Wowzers - am I feeling great! I haven't eaten any dairy and no alcohol since getting sick - except for a sneaky soft serve ice cream cone, since I'm NEVER around soft serve (no stomach ache - hooray!) - and man do I feel amazing. I have a love/hate relationship with this fact - since - I love my cheese, but have always thought dairy may be a culprit to my weight loss, as well as acne (I've been told that I have a slight allergy to dairy by doctors and dermatologists). I've replaced ice cream with frozen fruit bars, have been snacking on fruit like a mad woman, eaten tons and tons of tomatoes (I know, sounds weird, I love summer tomatoes), and I just feel great.
That's the good news. The downside? I've been sitting home by myself this whole time since I don't want to have any alcohol. I was supposed to have dinner w/a pregnant friend on Friday, which I thought would work out well since I wouldn't drink but we cancelled. I've been also having some issues with a former friend (mainly that since I'm not married with kids she wants nothing to do with me). But - through it all, I have not emotionally ate or drank.
Randomly, my mom has decided to visit next week for a few days. She does this every summer, she'll decide she misses me and wants to visit. I booked some massage appointments to surprise her with, we'll have dinner w/a friend of mine on Mon. and maybe hit the beach on Tuesday.
There will be wine. There will be dinners out. There will be mom-stress. There will be food obsession. But I am DETERMINED to not let this throw me off. Luckily, along with her obsession with food, there is an obsession with the gym, so she wants to hit up Healthworks with me while she's here (she loves spinning). But normally, family throws me off. I had been doing SO SO SO well - except for me there's no balance, either I'm doing great but also sitting home watching movies and going to the gym (I did hit the gym yesterday hooray! On a Saturday!) - or I'm drinking wine by the bottle, dessert by the plateful, and 8 course meals.
So - there will be balance. I haven't had time to stress about my mom's visit since it was kind of sprung on me. I was going to do a little 2 week alcohol detox, which looks like it will only be 1 week (since, with my mom, there WILL be wine). But - I also won't drink too much with her here, so I'm okay with that. Left to my own devices, I tend to over-imbibe.
We shall see. Now I sort of wish I had kept my weigh in day for Monday! Ironically, this week. I weighed myself this morning and was down about 1/2 pound - so that's good.
Dertermined to keep it balanced....
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