Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bucket List

In spinning this morning the instructor asked us what's on our bucket list.  He is always inspirational - it's a great way to start the day - so that was his question today.  Thought I'd throw it out there.  After thinking about it, here's what I have come up with:

Run a 1/2 marathon.
Earn $1M in one year.
Make a $10K donation somewhere.
Donate hair to locks of love.
Lose 80lbs.
Write a book.
Buy a beach house.
Buy a 5 room home - with a gym, library, guest room, office, my bedroom - w/a HUGE en suite bathroom.
Read the Howard Zinn book.
Read every book on my list.
Teach a class (in anything).
Invest in a company (not just stocks).
Win an award.
Take a pole dancing class.
Go cross country.

Here are things on my list that I have done:

Start a business.
Go to the World Series.
Get season Sox tickets.
Go paragluiding.
Go parasailing.
Take a hot yoga class.
Start a blog (hi!).
Live in a foreign country.
Backpack around Europe.

Any readers out there want to comment?

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