Tina over at http://www.carrotsncake.com/ just posted this, so I figured I'd play - would love to hear from anyone out there as well!
What are you really good at? What are you really bad at? I'm really good at reading and writing, multitasking, organizing myself, communicating with people, showing empathy, playing with my cats, working, business sense, Hollywood gossip and trivia, playing with my niece and nephews, motivating people, being a good friend and listener and support, self motivation, and planning fun nights out.
I'm really bad at anything creative/artistic (including arts and crafts, being stylish, fashion - anything), anything science - related, anything handy (furniture, house work - anything), becoming thin, being patient about anything, relationships (since I"ve been single and never want to get married), running (am trying), yoga, being flexible, crossword puzzles even though I love them, being kind to myself, compromising with others, being managed.
Have you ever been in a car accident? What happened? Several fender benders - being hit in parking lots by other cars, things like that - these things happen in a city and small parking lots with a lot of people. I once side swiped someone, totally my fault and took responsibility - that was in Watertown, and it was a horrific intersection that I don't go to anymore.
Why did you attend your college? Umass Amherst - proudly a state school girl
How did your parents’ relationship influence you? Hm - interesting question for me. My parents are together and have been for 41 years, however they've certainly had their challenges and they've worked really hard on their marriage. They seperated when I was in high school, my father moved out of state and they were to be divorced, however they opted to work things out. Should they have? Maybe, maybe not. That said, they are happy now, have learned, grown, and are each other's best friends and completeness.
However, through seeing how challenging their marriage was at times, and how much work, pain, compromise, and challenge went into it - that may have influenced me to be weary of marriage and not want to give too much of myself in a relationship.
What were the three happiest moments of your life?Yikes! Let me think, I'll just rattle off the top 3 that come to mind, but obviously these have changed through the years:
1) quitting my job in the corporate world to start my own business - as Frankie says, "to do it my way"
2) getting my own apartment (moving out from roommates)
3) paying off credit card debt
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